DIS40 & ICDR Y&I: Fantastic facts and where to find them: Discovering evidence from a transatlantic perspective


16. Dec 2020

Joint Event by ICDR Y&I and DIS40

"Fantastic facts and where to find them: Discovering evidence from a transatlantic perspective"

We are thrilled to invite you to the joint ICDR Y&I and DIS40 event which will feature an interactive discussion on a core of almost any arbitration: evidence – and how to find it.

Our journey will take us, inter alia, to the magical world of domestic courts in the US, Germany, and beyond, where we want to explore the possibilities to obtain and/or preserve evidence in support of arbitration proceedings. For this, we will look into the latest developments on discovery under section 1782 in US courts, options to take/preserve evidence in German courts as well as how such procedures can be most effectively integrated into arbitration proceedings.


16 December 2020, 12pm Eastern Standard Time/ 6pm Central European Time




  • Gretta Walters (Chaffetz Lindsey, New York/USA)
  • Felix Dörfelt (Addleshaw Goddard, Hamburg/Germany)


  • Jennifer Bryant (Noerr, Dusseldorf/Germany)
  • David Pinsky (Covington, New York/USA)

Virtual Networking

Following the panel discussion, we are looking forward to a lively virtual networking session bringing together practitioners from the US, Germany and elsewhere.


To register for the event, please use the following link:

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