We cordially invite you to another edition of our online event series, "Lunch Lectures - International Arbitration Abroad". During a joint video desk lunch, our speakers report on their experiences with international arbitration proceedings in jurisdictions around the globe and share exciting insights.

Of course, the social aspect of a lunch break is not to be neglected! There will be ample time to get to know each other in small groups and to exchange views on arbitration, cuisine, or other exciting topics in a relaxed atmosphere.

Online event

DIS40 Stuttgart: Lunch Lecture #7: Turkey

Datum: 26 October 2023, 12:30 to 1:30 pm (CEST)
Ort: Online (Dial-in information will be sent shortly before the event)

Further details can be found in the invitation.


Please register by 26 April 2023 at sabine.kalinowski(at)no_spamgleisslutz.com.

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