Please send your manuscripts to the Editorial Board via E-Mail.
The Editorial Board is responsible for compiling each issue of the SchiedsVZ and reviews all submitted contributions. You will be informed in writing about the decision of the Editorial Board regarding the publication of your contribution. We endeavor to publish all approved-for-print contributions as soon as possible while taking into account the length of the respective issue.
Please consult the DIS Autoren Style Guide while preparing your contribution, as otherwise it will not be taken into consideration in the selection process.
Upon selection of your manuscript for publication, our editors will adapt it to the formal requirements of the journal and correct typographical or other similar errors. You will receive a track-changes version of your manuscript which may also contain suggestions or comments. Once we have received your confirmation of approval of the track-changes version, we will have the galley proof of your contribution prepared and send it on to you for review and final approval for print. You will need to assign your copyright rights to the publisher in order to complete the publication process.
As a contributor, you are entitled to a courtesy copy of the corresponding issue of the SchiedsVZ.