Current activity

Erik Schäfer is partner of COHAUSZ & FLORACK, an inter-disciplinary law firm combining legal, technical and scientific expertise in all fields of technology. The firm focuses on all aspects of commercializing and protecting technology and intellectual property (IP) and represents clients in technically complex or IP-related negotiations, adr-proceedings, state court proceedings, and arbitrations.

Professional focus

Areas of law

My career

  • Graduated from the University of Freiburg/Germany in 1983
  • Qualified for the bar (2nd State Exam) Frankfurt am Main in 1987
  • Extended study periods in France, Great Britain, and México
  • Counsel at the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris
  • Starting in 1992 In-house lawyer in company patent department
  • 1993 Joined the Dresden branch office of a law firm specializing in competition law, intellectual property law and commercial law
  • 1997 Joined COHAUSZ & FLORACK

Arbitration experience

Since 1994 he has been acting either as counsel or arbitrator in national and international arbitration proceedings. The subject matters of the disputes included inter alia software-projects, outsourcing, oil-facility construction, oil-exploration & field development, engineering/construction (chemical facility; bio-fuel facility), trademark-, know-how- and patent licenses, sale of goods, long term purchase agreements, distribution agreements, sui generis service cooperation, hotel management agreements, shareholder agreement, r&d agreements, construction contracts (e.g. water & sewage), e-payment clearances, patent vindications, on-line marketing agreement in context of a complex divestment, IP-purchase agreements, IT-outsourcing service and marketing contracts, shareholder- and IP-purchase agreements, Substantive law was: German Law, Swiss Law, Cuban Law, Argentinean Law, Spanish Law, French Law, a US Law, Omani Law.


  • Schäfer/Verbist/Imhoos „L’arbitrage CCI en practique“, Stämpfli Verlag, 2002
  • Schäfer „Die ICC ADR Rules“, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 10/2002, p. 188-194
  • Schäfer „Videoconferencing in Arbitration“ ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Vol. 14/No. 1 – Spring 2003, p. 35-45
  • Schäfer "The Use of Arbitration and Mediation for protecting Intellectual Property Rights: A German Perspective", TMR Vol. 94 May-June 2004 N° 3, p. 695-723
  • Schäfer "Inhaber- und Verwertungsrechte an den Ergebnissen von Entwicklungs-/Forschungskooperationan und Aufträgen" in "Forschungs- und Entwicklungsverträge in Wissenschaft und Technik, Hrsg. Fritz Nicklisch, München 2004, p. 59-67
  • Schäfer "IT in Arbitration: The work of the ICC Task Force", Special Supplement - ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin ICC Pub.No. 667), 2004), Paris 2004
  • Schäfer/Verbist/Imhoos „ICC Arbitration in Practice", Kluwer Law International, 2004
  • Schäfer "Zusammenarbeit zwischen Experten und Juristen bei unterschiedlichen Fach- und Denkstrukturen“ in "Der Experte im Verfahren – Erkenntnisse aus nationalen und internationalen Verfahren vor Schiedsgerichten und staatlichen Gerichten“, Hrsg. Fritz Nicklisch, München 2006
  • Schäfer “Die Behandlung von Streitigkeiten über gewerbliche Schutzrechte in internationalen Schiedsverfahren vor dem Hintergrund divergierender Rechtsordnungen”, DIS-Materials XII (2006), p. 85-103
  • Schäfer „Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Mediation“ in Torggler (Ed.) „Praxishandbuch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit“, Wien 2007, 9-36
  • Schäfer „Arbitration of Intellectual Property Law Disputes in Germany“ in Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Böckstiegel, Dr. Stefan Kröll, Dr. Patricia Nacimiento (Editors) „Arbitration in Germany“ 2007
  • Schäfer „Elección y nombramiento de los árbitros. Desde el punto de vista de las partes“ Revista Peruana de Arbitraje 6/2008, p. 89-99. Schäfer “Using Information Technology Efficiently in Internacional Arbitration” in A. W. Rovine (Ed.) “The Fordham Papers 2008”, Leiden 2009. Nacimiento/Schäfer „Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Lateinamerika” in Pasch-ke/Graf/Olbrisch (Hrsg.) „Hamburger Handbuch des Exportrechts“, Hamburg 2009
  • Schäfer “Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in IT/IP-Prozessen” in Kilian/Heussen (Ed.) “Computerrechtshand-buch”, (Looseblatt) N°28/2010
  • Schäfer „Quick and ‘Dirty’ Alternatives to Mediation” in p. 31-36 IBA e-Book Mediation Techniques (Ed. Patricia Barkley) 2010



  • Chairs the Task Force on IT & Arbitration
  • Co-chairs the Task Force on Expertise Proceedings of the ICC Commission on Arbitration
  • member of the eDisclosure Task Force
  • International Bar Association (IBA) on Investor state mediation
  • Part of the directive group of the Capítulo de Alemania y Austria del CEA
  • GRUR
  • LES
  • ASA
  • German Arbitration Institute (DIS)

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