Lunch DIScussions: Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy: Empfehlen sich Regeln der UNCITRAL zu E-Awards und elektronischer Verfahrenseinleitung?

Newsletter 1/2024 - Upcoming Events

8 February 2024, online

The Working Group II of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) will deal with "Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy". The focus will be on digital arbitration awards and the paperless initiation of arbitration proceedings. Is digitalisation even desirable here or is paper still indispensable for reasons of caution? What should rules on digitalisation look like?

We will discuss whether there is a practical need for harmonization by UNCITRAL rules on these issues, which instrument would be most suitable and what the content of any rules might be. The results of the Lunch DIScussions will be incorporated into UNCITRAL's work.

For further information and registration please refer to the Programme.

DIS Team


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