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DIS@SAD: To be, or not to be sandwiched – The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices

Lunch DIScussions: Improving Efficiency and Speed in International Dispute Resolution: the New UNCITRAL SPEDR Clauses

Lunch DIScussions: Drei Gänge zur Bedeutung der KI-Verordnung für Schiedsverfahren

DIS and DIS40 Berlin - Celebrate the Season at a Berlin Weihnachtsmarkt

DIS Rhein/Ruhr: Wunschzettel an den BGH - Wann bleibt der Schiedsspruch bestehen?

DIScover Arbitration "Made in Germany" - How to Facilitate Efficiency in Dispute Resolution

Vierländerkonferenz 2024

DIS@NYAW: To be, or not to be sandwiched – The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices

DIS München: The future is now - Technology in Arbitration

DIS Berlin: Quick, Uncomplicated, Affordable? The new dispute resolution procedure under the Digital Services Act

DIS Stuttgart: Aktuelle höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung in Schiedssachen

Lunch DIScussions: DIS Rules Lab - Practice Group Technology - Draft Final Report

DIS Rhein/Ruhr: Wie digital darf/muss ein Schiedsverfahren heute sein?

Conference: The Rule of Law and the Future of Investment Protection

DIS Frankfurt: Anti-(Anti-)Suit Injunctions 2.0 – braucht es einen neuen Ansatz?

DIS@SAF: To be, or not to be sandwiched – The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices

Effective Cross-Examination – An International Perspective

Arbitration in Japan and Germany: Common traditions, new challenges and future collaboration

Lunch DIScussions: Arbitration – Green Hydrogen – Renewable Energy: African Perspectives

DIS&DIS40@Tallinn: DIScover arbitration in Germany and current trends in post-M&A disputes

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