DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group Event – What’s Wrong with Legal Decisions?

Newsletter 3/2024 - International Activities: Past Events

17 April 2024, Amsterdam

As frequent readers of this Newsletter will know, the DIS co-founded a bilateral arbitration group to strengthen the ties with the Dutch arbitration community.

Meanwhile, after a successful kickstart event at the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days 2023, this DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group organized its second event in Amsterdam on 17 April 2024, titled:

What's Wrong with Legal Decisions? Cognitive Bias and How to Mitigate Them by Ula Cartwright-Finch including a panel discussion on: Enforcement of Awards in Germany and the Netherlands: a comparison of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The event brought together approximately 40 arbitration practitioners from various jurisdictions, who gathered at the offices of Loyens & Loeff in Amsterdam. They kicked off in the morning with a panel discussion on enforcement of Awards in Germany and the Netherlands. The panel compared the proverbial ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ of each jurisdiction. Germany was represented by Elke Umbeck (partner at Heuking) and Friederike Schäfer (partner at Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich), who gave the participants a short masterclass on enforcement in Germany. For the Netherlands, Max van Leyenhorst (partner at Legaltree) provided an overview of the Dutch enforcement landscape. Wieger Wielinga (managing director Enforcement & EMEA at Omni Bridgeway) provided helpful insights from a funder’s perspective as well as a more global view on the enforcement topic through the help of great war stories. The panel was moderated by Melle Boevink (senior associate at Loyens & Loeff).

After a joint lunch, Ula Cartwright-Finch, who is a (former) lawyer, consultant, speaker and scientist, specialized in applying psychology and neuroscience to business and law, gave a lecture on understanding cognitive bias and irrationality, the risks of overconfidence in litigation and arbitration and how to adjust it. She provided the participants with helpful tips and insights into the minds of (legal) decision-makers. Her presentation was very interesting and recommended her as a speaker.

The event concluded with drinks and (in)famous Dutch bitterballen. On behalf of the DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group, we thank all participants and speakers for their active participation and we look forward to seeing you again at the next occasion!

The DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group is currently co-chaired by Tom Claassens (Loyens & Loeff) and Andreas Hacke (Zwanzig Hacke Meilke & Partner). It further consists of 12 practitioners from Germany and the Netherlands, including Claudia Krapfl (Gleiss Lutz), Elke Umbeck (Heuking), Rouven Bodenheimer (Bodenheimer), Melle Boevink (Loyens & Loeff), Jonas Hinrichsen (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek), Christoph Jeloschek (Kennedy Van der Laan), Nils Kupka (Jones Day), Martin Lögering (Lebuhn & Puchta), Jan Ortgies (Iran-US Claims Tribunal), Stan Putter (HBN law & tax) and Rogier Schellaars (Van Doorne).

Melle Boevink


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