DIS40 Nord: Expert Witness Cross-Examination Workshop


Opportunities to practice cross-examination skills with real practitioners are rare – that is, unless you are in the DIS40. Seize the moment and join our upcoming Expert Witness Cross-examination Workshop with real experts from Deloitte. After a successful workshop edition hosted by the DIS40 Rhein/Ruhr in Düsseldorf in April, it is now the DIS40 Nord group’s turn.

Teams of two participants and one Deloitte expert will, in self-study, analyse a mock international arbitration case and prepare cross-examination strategies in a post-M&A-dispute.

On the day of the “hearing”, the participants will cross-examine the opposing team’s expert and make closing arguments in front of panels of real, experienced arbitrators. The arbitrators will assess the effectiveness of the examinations and provide useful feedback.

The workshop will be followed by drinks and canapés as an opportunity to network and share experiences from the day.

DIS40 Nord: Expert Witness Cross-Examination Workshop

Date: 21 November 2024, 15:30 (registration) / 16:00 (kick-off) 
Location: Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Dammtorstraße 12, 20354 Hamburg
Further information:
  • The workshop will be held in English.
  • Registration is possible as a team of two or as individuals. When registering as a team, both team members should register individually and reference each other.
  • There are 20 participant slots available.
  • By registering you agree to your name and e-mail-address being shared with the organizers and other participants of the event. 
  • A short briefing session will be held online approximately 4 weeks before the event.

Please register until 11 October 2024 via the following link:

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